The Pier Shareware 3
The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso
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File List
395 lines
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│ Subject 15 - Education Programs │
│ │
│ Files: 124 Bytes: 19,564,618 │
1993PRVW.ZIP Complete preview of the 1993 baseball season
** Rookies ** Expansion ** Managers **
Changes Check it out to get you ready for
opening day!
386_BUGS.ZIP 6.93 compiled listing of POPAD, MUL, POPCS
bugs affecting old Intel 386 procesors and
the cures.
93BUDGET.ZIP 1993 United States Budget - White House rel.
REAL HUMAN SPEECH that teaches children how
to talk, learn the alphabet, read, spell and
work with a computer. The hi-res
ABUSE11.ZIP ABUSE! Version 1.1 (shareware) Generates
colorful language from database of thousands
of phrases. DOS 3.0 , 256K. Pastes to word
processor, offline reader or comm program.
AENEID.ZIP Virgil's AENEID as translated by John Dryden
AFR_JULY.ZIP Info files on Africa from July 93
ALGEBRA3.ZIP An algebra tutorial.
AMSOREN.ZIP Excerpts from and critique of Kierkegaard's
"In Vino Veritas"
APPLICAT.ZIP A bunch of applications including a zipcode
and area code finders, personal diary, and a
Video Store Rental program.
ARCHERY1.ZIP Database for archery clubs to keep track of
scores for their club members and for
competition shoots.
ASA_V12.ZIP Now start your own answering service with
this speech friendly program. Now version
1.2 with instant customer quick message
report generation! Free!
ATLANTS2.ZIP "The New Atlantis" by Francis Bacon Text
AUTHOR18.ZIP List of Shareware Authors with their
Internet Addresses
B1FF_WUN.ZIP Convert Text Files Into B1ffspeak. Biff is
Everyone's Favorite Clueless Newbie, Whose
Typing Style is Ju5t 2 C00l!1!!, D00d!1!!!
L1ke, Why D0n"t U Grab 1t!!!1
BABY10.ZIP Smart-N-Easy Baby Planner v1.0
BBR9305.ZIP May 1993 Bell Business Report
BBR9306.ZIP June 1993 Bell Business Report
BBR9307.ZIP July 1993 Bell Business Report
BEOWULF.ZIP Beowulf from the Harvard Classics released
in the public domain July 1993.
BERTSA30.ZIP Bert's African Animals 3.0 Children's
BERTSD30.ZIP Bert's Dinosaurs 3.0 Children's Coloring
BLEXP10.ZIP The Black Experience in America" by Norman
Coombs. Part of Project Gutenberg Text
BOWL101O.ZIP Bowl101 bowling league management program
ver 12.2 configurable to most scoring system
BRIDAL.ZIP THE BRIDE'S MAID: Complete wedding planner.
Includes phone book, mailing list,
scheduler, calendar, seating plan,
accounting and more. Prints summary reports
and envelopes.
CALLORD.ZIP Not artificial language but beyond! If you
can catch it you will enjoy it. No stupid
"YES" or "NO". Today it is "SURE", tomorrow
-"NO WAY". Interactive learning tool.
CCWORLD1.ZIP World Fact Reader 1\2 Part of Project
Gutenberg 1992 world facts
CCWORLD2.ZIP World Fact Reader 2\2
CFP.ZIP The CFP Toy Box (TM) #3.03 Shareware toys
for kids lets you draw, play music,
transport to another universe, and more.
w/C source option The CFP Toy Box works on
any PC.
CHEM15.ZIP Student practice chemical symbols, ions.
CHRON218.ZIP CHRONOS -- V2.12 -- How old was Paul Revere
when he rode into history? CHRONOS lets you
sort and selects individual people and
events, or groups and factions, to develop
new insights and patterns from different
eras Fun and useful. History, teaching,
CLINTOND.ZIP Dispay how many days left of the Clinton
Regime in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file !
Collector is a sports card collection
management tool. Its design and operation
is tailored to fit the specific needs of
beginning and serious card collectors.
Collector is a sports card collection
management tool.
CLUBCON4.ZIP Major upgrade of famous computer dating and
matchmaking software. Uses dbase/ndx data.
over 100 fan clubs. Registered version has
CMATE12.ZIP Version 1.2 of the best pack/den database.
COMIC121.ZIP Comic Book Collectors catalog system. Works
quite well. Version 1.21. 5 files.
CRAYON30.ZIP CRAYON BOX 3.0 Coloring book & kid games A
sketch/paint book, math quizzer, counting &
color identification, USA states game,
spirographs. Fun! Requires EGA/VGA, mouse,
HD and 1 child :)
Files: 18 09-15-93...09-15-93 New: 17
CRZYTALE.ZIP Crazy Tales is a fun way for kids to learn
grammar; supports Sound B
CT15.ZIP Coin Toss v1.5 - By: Craig Gibson Simulates
the flip of a coin as many times as
requested. Can be helpful for some
experiments. Version 1.5 is 20% faster.
DC_MAP.ZIP Street map of Washington, DC-- streets are
retrievable by name and/or address.
Includes zoom feature and requires VGA
video. Good!
DDATA44.ZIP Diamond Data v4.4 - helps player or coach or
fan of softball or baseball track statistics
for the sport
DEERHU41.ZIP THE DEER EXPERT V4.1 <ASP> - A program which
contains Hunting patterns and techniques as
well as a hunting log system. Truly
interactive - get big database when you
register. Reqs DOS 3.3+ 360kRam $26 reg.
DOBOX12.ZIP DOBOX v1.2: Scan baseball box score files
and generate lots of statistics! Version
1.2 includes support for new NL teams &
better file handling. Great for fantasy
baseball owners & fanatic baseball fans!
DOSPEL37.ZIP DO-Spell 3.71 - English and Dutch spelling
checker - 60,000-word list. 116k TSR.
DRFINFO.ZIP Mike Lambert's Disaster Recovery Diskette
complete with Mike's paper on Disaster
Recovery and essential utilities.
DRILL10.ZIP Universal Vocabulary Drill v1.0: this
program can be used to drill vocabulary
words for SAT ACT and other exams and in
foreign languages, using nouns with genders
attached; pull-down menus; 07/19/93; Mike
DWRK11.ZIP Demo Workshop V1.1 - Demo & Tutorial Maker.
Create standalone presentations using actual
screens recorded (in motion) from DOS
programs. Edit like a movie! yes! Special
effects too! Output toEXE file.
EAM13.ZIP ** ENDS AND MEANS v1.3 ** calculates how
long it will take you to earn (not
spend)$1,000000 From SoftWorks, Inc.
ECONOL13.ZIP ECONOLAND-2000 v1.2 ASP - Simulates economic
policy! Find out what happens to
unemployment and inflation when you take
charge o fiscal and monetary policy in
ECONOLAND. You set the level of government
spending, tax rates and the money
supply!Shareware.Register for bonus
ENVFACTS.ZIP Environmental facts, research and editorial
articles. Ozone, PCS, asbestos, recycling,
EPA, cars, and more. Entire Sep. 1993
issue of "The Freeman"-devoted to exposing
the myths behind environmental claims
ESL4SPAN.ZIP Learn English. For Spanish speakers. DOS.
EURO41.ZIP Learn French, German, Italian, & Spanish.
EURO91.ZIP Learn 9 European Languages. DOS text & EGA.
FEDLOT.ZIP Federal Balance the Budget Lottery Game
FIXTIM20.ZIP Fixtime v2.0: utility which you can run to
adjust your computer's clock for the
expected error since the last time the clock
was adjusted; Michael Coulter.
FNORD.EXE FNORD! Random Phrase generator.. Amaze
your friends! Amuse your enemies.
FORM1_12.ZIP Formula1 v1.2 - High School/College Algebra
uses AI algorithm as an Electronic Tutor
Reqs hard disk, EGA/VGA and 512k Memory.
FRAN934A.ZIP Information about Franchise Opportunities
for Fall '93-A. Many well-known ones
including details on required investment.
FROST10.ZIP Super tutorial on Frost poem STOPPING BY
WOODS. Intended for use in high school
English classes and college courses. Great
for home study!!
GG41A.ZIP Grade Guide v4.1 [1/2] includes install
Versatile and flexible student grades
records program - w/large capacity and
powerful applications for teachers.
GG41B.ZIP Grade Guide v4.1 [2/2]
GIFTPRO.ZIP Resource list for parents of Gifted children.
GOAK2_3A.ZIP Vacation Alaska Southeast -hypertext travel,
vacation/business planner.Fun/fast to use.1/2
GOAK2_3B.ZIP Vacation Alaska Southeast and the Inside
Passage 2/2
GOOSE10.ZIP Mother Goose v1.0: children's game whose
goal is to stimulate skills in reading,
memory, & in the use of the keyboard; the
child reads a rhyme, supplies the word that
is missing, and then enters that word via
the keyboard
GRAMMA.ZIP GRAMMAR ONLINE is a shareware version of an
excellent grammar and mechcis onlinreference
f writers.is TSR can bn from withlmost any S
word procer, works ont 512k machis, and
coverer 100 Englisgrammar and menics rules.
Files: 2 08-16-93...08-16-93 New: 2
GSMATE11.ZIP Version 1.1 of the best girl scout troop
database. Girl Scout Mate.
HOROSCO1.ZIP HoroScopics I v1.0 - creates natal horoscope
chart with astrological reading.Hesperus & Co
HOSTAGE3.ZIP HOSTAGE 3--America Held Hostage calendar
program, updated for June, 1993!
HOWMIND.ZIP How the Mind Works and How to Make It Work
Better (David Leithauser; $10). ASCII text
w/GIF PCX and EXE pictures!
HUMBOND.ZIP Of Human Bondage. By W. Somerset Maugham
IVANHOE.ZIP "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott.
JEFFSALM.ZIP Perhaps the most valuable and versatile
program you'll ever own, Jeff's Almanac
provides education, amusement and reference
for the whole family. Includes programs to
do your homework, help at work, view
pictures, and even put you to sleep at night!
JETHRO11.ZIP Jethro Filter That Will "hillbilly-Ize" Your
Text For You. Ye Dawgies! Y'all Come Back
Now, Heah?
JFKLIB93.ZIP ASCII text file describing the archival,
audiovisual, and oral history holdings of
the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston,
JGPOEMS.ZIP A sampling of cool poems....
KRYP23.ZIP Krypto v2.3: Word puzzle converts a
quotation into a kryptogram which you
decode. Dir 27
Multi-faceted program for serious students
of Spanish. Rqrs PC, DOS, Hard Disk & 460K
avail. memory. EGA/ VGA recommended.
Vocabulary Flashcard/Dict- ionary system
permits rapid mastery of 1000s of words.
Verb Conjugation system drills all
conjugations/tenses/persons using millions
of complete (synthesized) sentences. Has
add'l features ideal for scholars and
translators. Registration is $39.95
(Schulenberg & Assoc.) Newest File in
Archive: May, 1993.
MMST400.ZIP MathMaster v4.00 [80286 or better needed]
This is a math tutorial, that lets the user
of it practice Addition,Subtraction,
Multiplication & Division.
MUSICV20.ZIP ROB'S Music Celebrity Autograph Kit v2.0: An
excellent pgm with tips about obtaining your
favorite celebrity's autograph.
NU102_1.ZIP Numero Uno v1.02 Numerology Program 1/3
NU102_3.ZIP NUMERO UNO--Powerful Program for Numero-
logical Analysis. V1.02. by ASTRO author.
OA93_4B.ZIP Opportunity Awaits, Fall '93-B update. This
program helps you find the right business to
start. Includes hundreds of sources.
OLDMUSTG.ZIP Database file for Mustang hobbyists Contains
over 130 mustang parts vendors and some
other stuff too. Godd PCX file included
with program.
PCBABY.ZIP A baby album for your PC
PCBLOX10.ZIP PC-BLOX v1.0 - Virtual Reality 3D CAD solid
modeling system for kids and adults. Just
like playing with toy building blocks!
Dozens of shapes to build with.
Prints/saves. Easy, fun,
educational.Optional mouse. $27reg
Files: 17 09-01-93...09-01-93 New: 16
PKTR30.ZIP Pack tracker v3.0 stores pack rosters,
officer info, badges earned, participation,
PREPARED.ZIP Important Instructions And Guidelines For
Citizens In Case Of Disaster
(i.e.Hurricanes) About What To Do Before,
During And Afterward
PWRWDS17.ZIP POWER WORDS v1.7 5,000 Quotes at Your
Files: 5 09-21-92...08-28-93 New: 4
QUOTE100.ZIP Quote v1.00 - displays a humorous quote
every time you boot up. Can use tagline
data or command line. Bragware!
autograph kit is for TV or Movie stars you'd
like to have autographs on.
READPAN.ZIP The "Peter Pan" story by Barrie. Comes with
easy menued reader.
ROMANCVT.ZIP Converts Arabic to Roman numerals and
reverse. Handy. Dir 28
RULERTCH.ZIP Teaches how to use a RULER.
RUSSIAN1.ZIP Learn Russian. DOS. EGA or better.
SADAY1.ZIP STATE-A-DAY [1/2] - Displays a new US State
every time program is run. w/VGA outline
maps and Facts. Choose alphabetical/random
SB50.ZIP SOFF BALLS Ver5.0 (c)1993 by CompuTater SW
Softball/Baseball Statistical Management
System for Up to 100 Teams - Tracks ALL!
Very Easy to Use - ASP Shareware $29 register
SCULSCN.ZIP SkullSCAN - A journey through the human
scull for Windows. Simulates (for
entertainment only) CAT and MRI scans. Reqs
T Internet Wiretap Electronic Edition A
Public Domain Text released September 1993.
SMATE32.ZIP Scout Troop Management Database V3.
SMCOMIC3.ZIP The SIlver Mage Personal Comic Mage Version
3.0 - this is a new release, discard all
previous versions! This updates and
improves the report printout results and
eases the inventory control, as well as
speeds the general operation up by 20%.
Shareware $12.
SOFTDB.ZIP SOFTWARE DATABASE, version 1.00. A quick,
easy way to catalog your favorite software
SPELL101.ZIP SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A
fun way for children (& adults?) to increase
their spelling skills. Random pictures
appear for you to identify and spell. 3
skill levels. Play against the clock.
EGA/VGA & hard disk required.
SPORTV30.ZIP Rob'S Pro Sport Autograph Kit V3.0 An
Excellent Program With Tips On Writing To
And Obtaining Autographs From Sports stars.
SPRTCD20.ZIP Great for sports card collectors! v2.0
SURVEY45.ZIP Makes opinion surveys and analyzes replies.
Simple data entry. Prints detailed report
in final distribution form. Handles up to
100 questions and 40 response choices per
question; cross-tabulates; multi groups etc
TIPS0793.ZIP TIPS Release 07-93 - 100 TIPS With Viewer!
TIPS contains 100 solutions or workarounds
to hardware/software problems
w/viewer.Topics Networks, QEMM, DESQview,
Windows, RBBS-PC, Programming, Zenith, and
TIPSAMP1.ZIP TIPS ASCII File Sampler #1 - Various TIPS
This file contains ten TIPS providing
information on solving problems related to
DESQview, Windows, Networks, Memory, Hard
Disk Partitioning, Caching, RBBS, and
Zenith. Newest File in Archive: April,
1993. Newest File in Archive: April, 1993.
TP20BA.ZIP Tapewin 2.0ba for DOS is a convienient way
to catalog your tapes!
TRTR30.ZIP Troop tracker v3.0 Stores rosters,
participation, unit officers, badges earned,
Scout rosters, etc...
TTFRG10.ZIP The Tropical Fish Reference Guide v1.0! A
must for all tropical fish enthusiasts.
TTHOUGHT.ZIP Turbothought0 Is A Unique Program Designed
to help solve any problem. utilizes your
own minds abilities.
TW31.ZIP TutorialWriter v3.1: Toolkit for building
demos, quizzes, tests, etc. (a.k.a.
Computer assisted instruction). Quite
impressive, hypertext-like system. Dir 28
ULTFR112.ZIP Ultimate French v1.12 - French tests on
nouns verbs, miscellaneous words, pharases
and verb conjugation.
ULTSP112.ZIP Ultimate Spanish v1.12 Tests on
nouns,verbs,misc. words,phrases and verb
conjugation. Incentives to register too
ULYSES11.ZIP Super tutorial on Tennyson's poem Ulysses
intended for high school or college English
classes. Also GREAT for home study.
VLB353.ZIP Video Librarian v3.53 - quickly organize and
maintain ANY size video libary w/"ultimate"
features. TurboSystemsCo.
WEBSTER6.ZIP Webster T.E.P. Transitional Employment
Database Program. v6.0
WHYDO100.ZIP Why do I (series) v1.00: tries to explain to
children why they should study math,
English, science, history, etc.
YH11A.ZIP YOU'RE HIRED v1.1a... Trainer/exerciser for
fielding those difficult questions during an
ZPHERE.ZIP Zphere is a mostly harmless display of a
simple Van de Graf type of simulation, with
extras added. It requires either a vga or
ega display. Source is included, written
for Borland C version 3.1.